The U451 is a USB solution that is pre-built, pre-programmed, and pre-tested and will get you interfacing your PC (Win⁄Linux) or Mac (OSX) to various devices in very little time! There is no USB device assembly, no driver development, and no firmware to write. Demo software applications can be used “right out of the box”.
U451 top view.
Features of the U451 USB Relay Interface
- Two Form-C relays rated at 125 volts, 10 amp
- Six 500mA switch-to-ground outputs on J4
- Firmware functions compatible with U401⁄U421
- U401⁄U421 Port 0 functions available on J1
- USB Interface to PC
- Uses HID Drivers Inherent in OS
- SPI Master and Slave Communication
- Stepper motor control
- 1-Wire Communication Interface
- Flexible Pin Use
- Free Compiled Sample Applications
- Visual Basic, C, Delphi Example Code Available
- Fully Assembled and Tested
- Great Replacement for Parallel Port Interfacing
- PC’s USB Power Brought to Device
- USB Cable Provided
- Lead-Free
Overview of the U451 USB Interface
The U451 provides a simple digital i⁄o interface for the PC (Win⁄Linux) or Mac (OSX). Two relays, six transistor outputs, and eight i⁄o lines from the microcontroller are provided. Commands can be sent to the U451 that change the eight i⁄o lines from input to output. I⁄O lines can be individually selected as inputs or outputs. The U451 supports commands to read the ports, and if the ports are set to output, to write to the ports.
The U451 has all of the firmware features of the U401 and U421.
The U451 is an assembled and tested circuit card that is 2.8125 inches (72mm) long and 1.625 inches (47mm) wide. The U451 has 5 mounting holes.
The U451 interfaces to the PC (Win⁄Linux) or Mac (OSX) via the USB port. An application on the PC (Win⁄Linux) or Mac (OSX) controls the U451. The U451 does not use any custom drivers, just the drivers that are a part of the operating system. Custom software can be developed to use the U451, or the applications that have been created as examples here can also be used.
Uses for the U451 USB Relay Interface
With the U451 you can utilize the USB port on your computer to interface with various electronic devices, such as lights, LCD displays, SPI analog and memory devices, switches, relays, tethered robots, model railroad control, and many custom circuits. PCB trace widths limit the connections to the relays to about two amps – this should not be exceeded.
See the ODN U4x1 Application Notes section for examples of using the U451.
Product suitability for your particular purpose⁄use
We have made every attempt to prepare information about the products we carry so that you, as a customer, can make an informed decision to purchase or not. It is entirely at your discretion to make this decision and we do not guarantee that a product will be suitable for any particular purpose.
I want to buy 4 pieces u451 usb interface. What is the price?
The U451 can be purchased here: